Minggu, 20 November 2011

Dari pabrik roti yang saya buat kemarin, saya akan menjelaskan kebutuhan apa saja yang akan saya perlukan, investasi seprti apa bahan-bahan yang saya gunakan untuk mengembangkan usaha saya, dilihat dari persaingan dan barang pengganti yang akan digunakan.

Saya setidaknya membutuhkan lima tenaga kerja yang akan membantu saya membuat roti, tiga orang yang akan membantu saya dalam pembuatan roti dan dua orang lainnya mengantar ke pelanggan baik rumah tangga maupun dijajakan di warung-warung. Bahan baku yang saya gunakan untuk investasi bahan baku yaitu, mentega, tepung terigu, gula, soda kue, dan pencipta rasa yang berbeda dari roti yang lainnya, tidak ketinggalan pula saya menginvestasikan oven sebagai kebutuhan dari membuat roti untuk pemanggang rotinya, kira-kira untuk biaya oven satu tahunnya yaitu sekitar dua puluh lima juta rupiah yang harus saya keluarkan, dana yg dikeluarkan cukup besar tapi dengan kapasitas yang memuat sepuluh loyang, bisa untuk memudahkan pekerjaan.

Dengan persaingan yang semakin ketat, kami melihat perkembangan apa saja yang dilakukan oleh para pesaing, dan pula kami menciptakan rasa yang berbeda dengan kualitas yang bagus dari hasil pembuatan roti kami, dari persaingan kami harus menciptakan tempat yang strategis untuk usaha saya. Kami memasarkan kepada rumah-rumah disekitar daerah saya, dan juga menawarkan roti kepada warung-warung yang akan kita target.

Sementara roti juga sebagai bahan subtitusi dari nasi, dimana harga nasi yang mulai naik dan juga kuaitas yang dihasilkan kurang bagus, sehingga bahan pengganti roti cocok dengan harga terjangkau dan juga mudah untuk dikonsumsi dan mudah juga untuk disajikan, dibandingkan nasi yang harus memasak tiap pagi, kalau dengan roti anda tidak perlu repot-repot untuk menyajikannya..

Roti yang saya buat kami akan memaksimalkan harga yang akan dikeluarkan, dari harga roti yang dikonsumsi sehari-hari dengan harga enam ribu rupiah sampai dengan tujuh ribu rupiah, dengan harga segitu kami rasa kualitas yang saya berikan harus mencapai kepuasan pelanggan juga supaya pelanggan bisa menikmati cita rasa roti saya.

Nama: Aditya Christianto
Kelas 2EA04
NPM: 10210188

Selasa, 20 September 2011

Di jaman sekarang banyak kegitan usaha yang bermacam-macam, mereka saling bersaingan dalam satu pasar dengan produk yang berkualitas, dalam setiap hari pasar terus bergerak tidak pernah berhenti, mereka sibuk memasarkan barang mereka untuk meraup keuntungan.

Saya tertarik untuk menuliskan bagaimana saya memulai peluang usaha tersebut dengan mencoba mendirikan pabrik kecil didekat rumah saya, cukup strategis dan lumayan terjangkau.

Pertama saya akan membuat resep yang berbeda dan rasa yang berbeda dari roti-roti yang lain supaya dengan cita rasa yang khas mungkin roti yang saya buat bisa masuk pasar dan bersaing dengan merk-merk lain, bahan baku nya yang dibutuhkan seperti tepung terigu, gula, mentega telur, soda kue, dll. Tidak ketinggalan juga mesin oven yang besar untuk memanaskan roti supaya roti mengembang dan matang dan matang, oven ini sudah ditetapkan bahwa setiap 4 tahun sekali akan mengalami penyusutan atau reparasi untuk perbaikan, dan dari para karyawan membutuhkan paling sedikit tiga orang dulu.

Di lihat dari lingkungan ekonomi, harga roti terjangkau dan murah, sedangkan banyak sekarang konsumen makan roti di pagi hari lebih praktis tidak usah lagi repot-repot memasak.

Strategi pemasaran yang saya buat pertama adalah menjajakan ke warung-warung dekat rumah, atau menawarkan pada tetangga, kalau rasanya enak, saya akan coba memasarkan pada warung-warung lainnya, dan apabila konsumen/pelanggan sudah banyak yang meminati, saya akan coba memasukan tiga orang karyawan, yang dua orang menaruh roti itu pada langganan warung, dan yang satunya lagi akan mencari konsumen yang baru dengan berkendara sepeda motor, supaya nanti terlihat menarik dan beda dari orang yang memakai sepeda untuk berjualan roti.

Roti yang menggunakan sepeda itu merupakan saingan bagi kami untuk mendapatkan konsumen, oleh karena itu kami menjaga kualitas dan rasa roti serta para pekerja untuk mengantarkan roti, dari sini kita bisa melihat bahwa kegiatan usaha dan membangu usaha tak semudah yang dibanyangkan apabila ada konsumen yang mendasar dari diri kita sendiri

Sumber gambar: google,membuat roti.

Kamis, 19 Mei 2011

Nature of Social Control

1) Preventive: that social control is carried out before the violation. Preventive prioritize prevention.
Example: A child who is about to learn in order to pass the school final exam

2) Repression: social control is done after a commit irregularities. Aiming to recover so that perform a distortion of the rules so that society must be removed or dismissed
Example: Employee was fired for corruption, so the company did so again as before bleaching again in the presence of repressive

Sumber: Sosiologi untuk SMA dan Ma XII
-Mardian Wibowo
Social Control

Social control is often called social control. According to Peter L. Berger in the book Invatitation to Sociology: A Humanistic Perspective, as quoted by Kamanto Sunarto 1993.
Selo Soemardjan states that social control is a process of planned and unplanned which aims to encourage, guide, or even compel citizens to abide by the values ​​and rules in force so that it can be no violation of social control which makes bsia be afraid.
Social control has 2 goals, namely:
-restore community members who deviate dimaskudkan people here to support with existing norms do not, ent things that deviate so that subject.
meyinpang-keeping behavior was not to develop, with these people can maintain their behavior so that the existing regulations do not berekembang something else.

Method Social Control
Social control is done by way of persuasive and coercive

1) Persuasive: How persusif is a way of social control is more emphasis on efforts to encourage or guide the members of society to behave in accordance with the rules or norms.
Example: Mothers who advised her son to live in harmony and not do the deviant and given affection.

2) Coercive: social control is more emphasis on action or threat of use of physical violence. purpose so that people who commit violations deterrent.
Example: The thief who was beaten by the masses so that the person will feel the deterrent and punishment sanctioned

Sumber: Sosiologi untuk SMA dan Ma Kelas XII
-Mardian Wibowo

Senin, 16 Mei 2011

Characteristic of early humans found in Indonesia

Meganthropus paleojavanicus

-As a thick cheek bone
-Have strong chewing muscles
-Has no chin
-Have a well-built physique
-Ate plant species


-Height of about 165-180
-Brain volume between 750-1350 cc
-Shape of the body and limbs well-knit
-Mastication and very strong tool
-Bulge forms a strong yellow
-Thick nose shape

Homo Sapien

-Height between 130-210 cm
-Brain volume between 1000-1200 cc
-Nape of the brain experiencing depreciation
-Face does not protrude forward
-Stand up straight and work properly

Sumber: Sejarah untuk SMA Kelas X I Wayan Badrika

Minggu, 15 Mei 2011

Types of Ancient Humans in Indonesian

Meganthropus paleojavanicus.
Meganthropus mean big man. This fossil was found in Singaran by von Koenigswald in 1941, lower jaw are much larger and stronger than Pihecanthropus erectus. Experts estimate that this fossil is the oldest creature who ever lived on the island of Java
Pithecanthropus means the human ape. Fossils are found in the Village Trinal Ngawi, Parning Mojokerto area, Sangiran, Kedung Brubus, Tiger Link, and Ngandong.
Eugene Dubois concluded that this fossil has a brain volume of 900 cc smaller than the human brain volume of 1000 cc and the highest ape brain volume 600 cc.

a) Pithecanthropus erectus
Pithecanthropus erectus means ape-man was able to walk upright. Brain volume was between ape and human brain volume. Eugene Dubois concluded that its findings were called Pithecanthropus erectus, which means ape-man who can walk

b) Pithecanthropus mojokertensis
Pithecantropus mojokertesis means human mojokerto ape. The fossil was discovered and investigated by von Koenigswald between the years 1936-1941, in the area Perning, Mojokerto. von Koenigswald estimate child skull fossil found in this is derived from his children Pithecanthropus.

c) Pithecanthropus soloensis
Pithecanthropus soloensis means ape-man of the solo. This fossil was found in the area Ngandong, Solo River valley between the years 1931-1934. This fossil was examined by von Koenigswald and Weidenreich

Homo sapiens
Homo sapiens is the kind of early humans who have had the same body shape with humans now. They can use reason and have properties like those of humans today. Their lives were very simple nd his life wandering. These are the ancestors of the peoples of the world.
Based on the research of experts on ancient human fossil discovery was, clearly visible progress toward a more perfect, as it is now. However, if a creature called Pithecanthropus it proceeds through evolution, to be realized as human beings today? or whether between man and Pithecanthropus did not have a relationship and come from different species? It was also not answered by experts. The experts did not find the connecting link between Pithecanthropus with current human

sumber: Sejarah untuk SMA Kelas X,I Wayan Badrika

Senin, 09 Mei 2011

Traffic Jam in Jakarta

Who does not know the city of Jakarta, which became the center of a metropolitan city, where everyone has busy every day, the tireless and timeless morning, afternoon, evening. Every morning we see the city increasingly crowded everywhere, for example just in the area of ​​South Jakarta, West, which is where big companies, in Jakarta this week is more crowded than last year, due to many productions of new vehicles and people want efisein of doing things.

Breakdown of the city have felt the impact of Jakarta such as global warming and increasing pollution are high.

The government should improve the city infrastructure is increasingly out of control, even the solid line the city coupled with the bus TransJakarta, but the government did not think twice and just want to benefit the government itself and the streets made ​​a special point TransJakarta bus, also makes the vehicle public or private cars getting smaller due to be made a special point.

Indeed, the government should handle the problem of congestion in order to improve rather than worsen the state of the city of Jakarta


Money is a treasure trove
Money valuables
Without money, life does not mean
Without the currency weakened state and nation

Hand foot chase earn money
Working non-stop night until morning
chasing money, chasing money.
Until death approached.

Money sometimes makes us crazy
With money everything purchased
Losing money like a lost identity
I do not know what they think about money.

Every time, money
Every minute, money
Every hour, money
And every day the money

Sunber gambar: Google gambar uang

Kamis, 05 Mei 2011


Theft of murder and corruption is a crime which are mostly done in countries with higher unemployment rates and usually that is often done by theft or murder just because of economic, social, political and cultural background. They do it to get what their deliverables and also cases of theft is often the case because to meet the needs of their keuarga, with many levels of unemployment and many live below the poverty line, the state must pay attention to the lower classes that they live sejahtea or provide employment opportunities appropriate for people who are still living below the poverty line.

Indonesia has approximately crisis in 1998, the year that a lot of unemployment, murder to theft or looting luxury items at each store, this is the most severe crisis, almost every society to steal all the goods, memobol gold shops to survive life.

The latter is the biggest theft of corruption, corruption in the country stubborn Indonesia, because corruption was down through the generations from the old order to reform, so that Indonesia is on level five of the other countries.

Many of corruption committed in the lower level and above and only a few others received sentences and those who are affected by imprisonment, bribing judges, police, to free him from the snares of law, legal institutions should follow up on serious issues rather than joining in to protect them .

Therefore, the supervisory agency or the Commission, should eradicate this

Indeed from the scope of politics is yan trap or we are subject to a trap for corruption, so that the leaders do not have a positive outlook, they compete to get their benefits so that corruption had occurred, the message I want to be a leader must have a good Moran, responsibility and should be inculcated from childhood, so the future can help state economy

sumber gambar: Google pencurian,kejahatan,dan KPK



Protect, maintain, love, and live until the end is part of the family. Family is a place like home and shelter for us. A bond that is so beautiful in the scope of the community. From our family will be taught so that the nature of life, our behavior can be seen dri family, some even living without families, their lack of family affection, the attention that they sometimes ask, where is my family? sad to see her, even I sometimes see a little boy tormented by his mother, it's because the child is not flesh and blood parents and some are morning, noon, till night they only sleep with the repose of cardboard, and hope to have families and homes as an example the image below:

My name is Aditya Christianto, has two parents who have guided and led to the present. I am an only child, but I am always happy idup itself, because it has a close relative who could be said sanga love me, one part of my sisters, and some are in Java, about four family and my father number three of the descendants of my grandmother. There is also a mother I have a close relative of the two in Jakarta and three in Java. In Jakarta, Bekasi and living in Kebayoran Baru, and the three lived in Solo. They all live very well without any conflict, but there is conflict seikit ketch, as I know. If you have close relatives living in an environment most likely within two bond that family conflicts that arise there and indeed we should be eliminating our selfish nature of our family ties, there are still many little things to cause conflict in families.

There are still many in the family there is a quarrel between husband, heart to kill his wife own and there is also the economic problems that occurred almost in every family, therefore we have to keep the family well and not cause the conflict to murder



Fill in the blanks with the right form of causative have, and choose the right form of verb given in the brakets. (isilah dengan bentuk causative have yang benar, dan pilih salah satu bentuk verb yang benar yang diberikan di dalam kurung)

1. We had our treasury buy our new books yesterday. (buy / buys / bought / to buy)
2. She has her mom to cook dinner for her. (cook / cooks / cooked / to cook )
3. He had his brother do his homework last night (do / does / did / done)
4. Tom is having Bill writing the report at the moment. (write / writes / writing / written)
5. Mike has Jenni save his data. (save / saving / saves / saved)
6. Bob has his packages delivered by the postman. ( deliver / delivers / dilivered / delivery)
7. Eddy had his data changed by his secretary last week. (change / changes / changed / changing)
8. Marie is having her house painted by the workmen at the moment. ( paint / painting / painted / paints)
9. Jonny has his car parked by the parking man. (park / parks / parking / parked)
10. They are having their maid cleaning their room right now. (clean / cleaned / cleans / cleaning)

Senin, 11 April 2011


Love is a feeling of affection given others to others, feelings that make people love each other, like in love with the friend, in love with a friend, even love can unite the hearts, minds become beautiful.
There are levels of love in my opinion and also according to other people
First: people will love one another, Second: human beings will arise a sense of affection, and third: when is love going to the obtainment, man will never escape from the bonds of love, because they have each other and have known a long time, so do not want to separate. Humans as well as social creatures to interact with each other to meet each other, complement the same as love.
Love can also be realized with the "Sharing" for others, who want to need a helping hand or help so that our hearts are moved and respond, thus resulting also in love in our lives. But when the love that makes us fall and feeling the pain of love itself, then many people think love is blind, because not looked at one another.
Feeling the effects when we fall and hurt will make us more desperate, sad, disappointed, and will arise for the terrsakiti rancor, but with a sense of hate that we can see that love is not lasting forever, if one person has been no longer concerned about us and away from us, will become a distant memory.
Memories of love can not be discarded, it will be stored according to its place. So if at any time remembering that unusual anymore, but make it memorable not a dream.
That's a little story about love to tell, keep good love you make it grow in the spirit that makes us realize and do not distinguish love one another.

Jumat, 18 Maret 2011

My bad experiences
My name is aditya christianto, I am an only child and I have my mother and father parents. My father worked as an entrepreneur and my mother as a private employee. I am grateful to still be in college, my first thought graduate school directly to work, but I want to pursue first. So with this capital can improve the quality of life and I can meet the family in future. I was not clever to say at the time of junior high school and senior high school. I had a close friend of two people, the longest I think. I do not want to he clever, just want tohave sense of discipline, responsibility, and sense of tolerance to other. My daily senior high school just playing to play with my friend. Sit down at the computer while playing games online. Just spend time and linger late into the night and sleeping in the warnet. Did not have a sense of responsibility and discipline as a student. I have actually been addicted too games online. Started since the third grade relized, because there is no longer playing, focus to pas the national exam. Busy to learn a lot of material that mus be mastered, before the national exam preparation. Since then after attending college there was no time to play. Which I think is only for the future in order to became successful. Much desire that I have not been achieved but now I think how to become successful people take a long time and the willingness and the spirit yourself.
This is my story, I tell self discipline and I want to change it all to become more flexible and critical thinking
Adverb clause is a clause that funcitions as a description while the clause is a group of words that are part of the sentence that has a subject and predicate. Kinds of adverb clause which we will discuss is:
 Adverb clause of time
 Adverb clause of place
 Adverb clause of manner
 Adverb clause of reason
 Adverb clause of result
 Adverb clause of purpose
 Adverb clause of concession
 Adverb clause of condition
1. Adverb clause of time
This is adverb a clause that function ad time information. There are some conjunctive that function for form a sentence that has this kind of adverb
• When
• While
• Before
• After
- I’ll say till you get back
- When she was sleeping, the crash happened
2. Adverb clause of place
This is function for explain the place where an activitiy carried out. Conjunctive adverb is used to form this is a where (ever)

- I went where wadi usually plays football yesterday
- He went where the ticket are sold
3. Adverb clause of manner
This type clause used to how activities are done by subject as conjunctive in describing between information that informating a
• As………..as
• Like…….than
- I can run as/so fast as he can
- He runs faster that I do
- She sing like bird singing

4. Adverb clause of reason:
This information used to for explaining the reasons or clause, generally conjunction used to
• Because
• Since
• As
• For
- I asked her because, I didn’t know the answer
- She invites you for she likes you
5. Adverb clause of result
This clause a related to the result of an activity or accident. The words used are
• That
• Such…that
• That
• So
• Therefor
• Consequently
• Thus
- He spoke for such along time that people began to fall sleepy
- The dog was so fierce that none dared come near it
6. Adverb clause of purpose
This is clause have meaning intent and purpose. The words used to conjunction are
• So
• That
• In order to
• In order that
- The translated the article, in order to their teacher can be happy
- The man was very tired so he went to sleep
7. Adverb clause of concession
This is adverb shows the information that has meaning resistance. The conjunction that used to a
• Although
• But
• However
• Eventhought
• Thought
• Despite
• Inspite of
- He didn’t go although his friend was waiting for him
- He worked very hard but he didn’t feel tired
8. Adverb clause of condition
This adverb clause used to as condition for the occurrence of an activity. The conjunction used to
• If
• Unless
• Otherwise
- If have time tomorrow, I wiil come here
- They will come if you invite them

sumber: Super Bimbingan Belajar Quantum Brain
Modul Belajar Bahasa Inggris Accelarated Learning

Selasa, 04 Januari 2011


1. Penggunaan Internal untuk komunikasi (e-mail)
E-mail (Electronic Mail) merupakan suatu fasilitas tertua dalam penggunaan Internet. Setiap hari hamper jutaan pesan dikirimkan ke ssegala tujuan. E-mail akan mempermudah orang dari seluru pengguna dunia untuk saling berkomunikasi dengan singkat

2 Jenis layanan E-mail

• E-mail berbasis WEB
Seluruh aktivitas mengirim atau menerima E-mail dilakukan melalui situs yang dibuat dengan WEB mail, beberapa layanan Internet gratis contoh: TelomNetMail, YahooMail, Hotmail.

• E-mail bebasis Client
Dibutuhkan sebuah perangkat lunak untuk menggunakan E-mail pada mjumlh ini, yaitu,Eudura atau Microsoft Outlock. Fasilitas ini untuk menulis dan mengolah E-mail tanpa harus terhubung dengan internet.

E-mail adalah suatu cara untuk mengirimkan pesan dalam E-mail dibuat dengan pengolahan kata yang menghasilkan suatu dokumen dan dikirimkan secar elektronik menggunakan computer, E-mail alat komunikasi yang nudah, murah dan cepat


o Dapat mengirim file berupa program, gambar, grafik, dan fle lainnya
o Dapat mengirim E-mail kebeberapa orang pada saatbersamaan
o Dapat mengirimkan surat atau ucapan selamat kepada keluarga di kampong dan luar negeri

5 cara mendapatkan E-mail
• Melalui penyedia E-mail gratis
• Undagan dari teman
• Dari perusahaan
• Memesan sendiri

Sumber: Buku
Teknologi Informasi Komunikasi SMA dan MA Kelas XI

Penulis: Adi pratomo
Irfan hidayat


1. Penggunaan Internal untuk komunikasi (e-mail)
E-mail (Electronic Mail) merupakan suatu fasilitas tertua dalam penggunaan Internet. Setiap hari hamper jutaan pesan dikirimkan ke ssegala tujuan. E-mail akan mempermudah orang dari seluru pengguna dunia untuk saling berkomunikasi dengan singkat

2 Jenis layanan E-mail

• E-mail berbasis WEB
Seluruh aktivitas mengirim atau menerima E-mail dilakukan melalui situs yang dibuat dengan WEB mail, beberapa layanan Internet gratis contoh: TelomNetMail, YahooMail, Hotmail.

• E-mail bebasis Client
Dibutuhkan sebuah perangkat lunak untuk menggunakan E-mail pada mjumlh ini, yaitu,Eudura atau Microsoft Outlock. Fasilitas ini untuk menulis dan mengolah E-mail tanpa harus terhubung dengan internet.

E-mail adalah suatu cara untuk mengirimkan pesan dalam E-mail dibuat dengan pengolahan kata yang menghasilkan suatu dokumen dan dikirimkan secar elektronik menggunakan computer, E-mail alat komunikasi yang nudah, murah dan cepat


o Dapat mengirim file berupa program, gambar, grafik, dan fle lainnya
o Dapat mengirim E-mail kebeberapa orang pada saatbersamaan
o Dapat mengirimkan surat atau ucapan selamat kepada keluarga di kampong dan luar negeri

5 cara mendapatkan E-mail
• Melalui penyedia E-mail gratis
• Undagan dari teman
• Dari perusahaan
• Memesan sendiri

Sumber: Buku
Teknologi Informasi Komunikasi SMA dan MA Kelas XI

Penulis: Adi pratomo
Irfan hidayat

Impian merupakan khayalan seseorang untuk meraih sesuatu yang ada di benak setiap orang, selalu untuk bisa meraih Impian itu mau dengan cara baik maupun tidak baik, bahkan seseorang bisa tenggelam dalam kehidupan Impian mereka, mereka selalu maju terus pantang mundur utnuk mendapatkannya, bisa juga Impian merupakan dorongan kita maupun semangat utnuk menjalani hidup, apa arti hidup didunia inibila tidak mempunyai mimpi?.. hanya orang yang sudah mati, ia sudah merasa tenang di alam mereka tanpa harus peduli meraih Impian itu, oleh karena itu Impian harus bisa dimiliki seseorang, walaupun berbeda prinsip dan tujuan supaya mereka dapat meraih Impian itu.

Seseorang berpendapat mereka memiliki Impian rendah, bahkan mereka mempunyai impian yang tinggi dari situ kita bisa mengambil keputusan impian rendah mereka yang berkehidupan biasa-biasa saja dengan menjalani apa adanya meskipun Impian mereka rendah, bahkan saya paling unik dan tertawa bagaimana orang bisa menggapai Impian yang tingg, terkadang hal yang mustahil untuk mencapai Impian yang tinggi, butuh kerja keras dan mendapat motivasi dari lingkungan sekitar bahkan keluarga, kerabat dekat, maupun sang motivator untuk kita bisa selalu bekerja keras, semangat, dan pantang menyerah, apabila engkau menguasai medan pertempuran dan menjadikan semua hal yang tak mungkin menjadi mungkin anda bisa memiliki Impian yang tinggi apabila ada kemauan dan niat untuk sukses.


o Tentukan rancangan atau impian yang anda raih
o Niatkanlah dalam hati anda untuk memulai suatu Impian
o Berpikir positif
o Percaya diri
o Bekkerja keras
o Pantang menyerah
o Intropeksi diri anda sendiri
o Berdoa untuk memulai suatu Impian

Hampa dunia terasa berat
Aku hanya hidup seorang diri
Bagaikan air mata yang selalu terbuang
Mengapa orang selalu menjauh dariku

Seandainya orang selalu memikirkan Aku
Tapi tidak ada seorang yang memikirkanku
Panas,dingin aku terus berdoa
Apa yang harus Aku perbuat?

Dunia ini semakin tak terkendali
Serasa Aku hidup sendiri
Entah apa yang mereka pikirkan
Tahukah orang tentang hati ini?

Setiap langkah ku tak berguna
Apa artinya aku hidup didunia?
Tidak terpasangkah mata mereka?
Tidak terpasangkah telinga mereka?

Senin, 03 Januari 2011


Aku bahagia bila Kau bersama nya tapi
Aku tak mau kau berlama-lama bersama nya
Karena Aku menginginkan mu yang selau
Mendinginkan hati ini..

Menemani setiap hela napasku
Kembalilah wahai kekasih kecaplah manisnya
Cinta dan Sayang yang telah Aku berikan.
Bila harus menunggu berapa lama.

Aku akan tetap menunggu.
Lonceng pun berbunyi tandanya engkau
Sudah mengetuk hati Aku yang telah lama mati
Bersemi kembali.

Tinggalah bersama Aku untuk selamanya
Menyatukan perasaaan kita berdua
Kembali meraih mimpi

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