Kamis, 19 Mei 2011

 20.27      No comments
Social Control

Social control is often called social control. According to Peter L. Berger in the book Invatitation to Sociology: A Humanistic Perspective, as quoted by Kamanto Sunarto 1993.
Selo Soemardjan states that social control is a process of planned and unplanned which aims to encourage, guide, or even compel citizens to abide by the values ​​and rules in force so that it can be no violation of social control which makes bsia be afraid.
Social control has 2 goals, namely:
-restore community members who deviate dimaskudkan people here to support with existing norms do not, ent things that deviate so that subject.
meyinpang-keeping behavior was not to develop, with these people can maintain their behavior so that the existing regulations do not berekembang something else.

Method Social Control
Social control is done by way of persuasive and coercive

1) Persuasive: How persusif is a way of social control is more emphasis on efforts to encourage or guide the members of society to behave in accordance with the rules or norms.
Example: Mothers who advised her son to live in harmony and not do the deviant and given affection.

2) Coercive: social control is more emphasis on action or threat of use of physical violence. purpose so that people who commit violations deterrent.
Example: The thief who was beaten by the masses so that the person will feel the deterrent and punishment sanctioned

Sumber: Sosiologi untuk SMA dan Ma Kelas XII
-Mardian Wibowo

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