Minggu, 27 April 2014

     Belakangan ini UKM sangat berkembang di Indonesia, banyak UKM berbentuk kerajinan, pembuatan-pembuatan sandal, serta UKM lainnya. Di pembahasan ini, akan diberi contoh kegiatan usaha yang dilakukan oleh kerajinan batik, dalam melakukan hal pengambilan keputusan untuk mengembangkan usahanya. Di lihat dari contoh Usaha Kecil Menengah, seperti pembuatan usaha kerajinan batik, dalam hal ini usaha ini ada kendala dalam hal pemasaran, modal, dan tenaga kerja. Pengusaha lalu menerapkan pemasaran yang efisien dan efektif dengan tidak mengelurkan banyak biaya, pengusaha memilih pemasaran melalui online atau media social,  akhirnya semakin banyak permintaan melalui pemasaran online, pengusaha membutuhkan modal untuk memenuhi permintaan tersebut dengan cara mengajukan pinjaman kredit ke Bank, setelah disetujui oleh bank tersebut, usaha itu terus meningkatkan produksinya serta menambah tenaga kerja melalui modal yang dipinjamkan oleh bank tersebut. Berdasarkan contoh di atas, dapat dilihat bahwa pengusaha memilih alternatif-alternatif mana saja yang dapat diambil sebagai sebuah keputusan dalam hal mengembangkan usahanya di bidang kerajinan batik.

Sumber :
      Hasan, M. Iqbal. 2002 Teori Pengambilan Keputusan. Bogor : Ghalia Indonesia.
            Teori Pengambilan Keputusan berguna di kehidupan sehari-hari, setiap orang mempunyai keputusan di antara pilihan-pilihan yang ada. Selain di kehidupan sehari-hari, teori pengambilan keputusan berguna juga di sector Industri Perbankan. Contohnya adalah sebagai berikut:
  • Pengambilan keputusan dalam kebijakan pemerintah untuk mengendalikan/menstabilkan tingkat inflasi dan nilai tukar di dalam negeri melalui tindakan menaikkan/menurunkan tingkat suku bunga kredit. Pengambilan keputusan dilakukan oleh Menteri Keuangan dan Direktur BI  
  • Pengambilan keputusan dalam hal memberikan pinjaman berupa kredit kepada nasabah untuk kegiatan usaha. Dalam hal ini, Direktur Bank yang mengambil keputusan.  
  • Pengambilan keputusan dalam hal memberika kredit likuiditas yang mengalami kesulitan likuiditas pada Bank Umum, seperti Bank Permata yang dulunya tidak sehat dalam hal likuiditas, lalu BI memberikan kredit likuiditas  

Sumber :
      Hasan, M. Iqbal. 2002 Teori Pengambilan Keputusan. Bogor : Ghalia Indonesia.
      Sawitri, Peni dan Eko Hartanto.2007.Bank dan Lembaga Keuangan Lain.Jakarta : Universitas Gunadarma.

Minggu, 20 April 2014

B.     Adding a Syliable. Answer the following question using the past tenses of the verb followed by to and another verb. Do not realese the /t/ or /d/ before to, but say the sequence /tt/ or /dt/ together (need to / ‘nidtǝ/, needed to /’niddItǝ/).

1.      When did he need to come?
(He needed to (/’niddItǝ/) to come yesterday.)
2.      What did she want to do?
(She wanted to (/’wǝntIdtǝ) experiment last week.)
3.      Where did they decide to go?
(They decided to (/’di’saidIdtǝ/) Ancol this morning.)
4.      What did she start to do?
(She started to (/’starttǝ/) survey for a place last week.)
5.      When did he expect to be there?
(He expected to (/’ek’spektIdtǝ/) to be there yesterday.)
6.      When did they intend to arrive?
(They intended to (/’in’tendIdtǝ/) arrive last night.)
7.      When did you start to learn English?
(I started to (/’starttǝ/)  learn English when I age seven years old.)
8.      Why did you want to come to the United States?
(I wanted to (/’wǝntIdtǝ) to come to the United States holiday with my family last night.)
9.      When did you decide to come here?
(I decided to (/’di’saidIdtǝ/) come here this night.)
10.  When did you need to apply for visa?
(I needed to (/’niddIdtǝ/) for visa when I get scholarship in the Boston University.)
11.  What did you hate to do when you were a child?
(I hated to (/’heittǝ/) when I were a child.)

C.     Adding a Syllable. Answer the following questions the pas tense of the verb. Don’t drop medial /t/ : started doesn’t sound the same as starred.

1.      When did you start looking for an apartement?
(I started (/t) looking for an apartement last week.)
2.      What did you advisor suggest doing?
(My advisor suggested (/t/) doing I investment securities.)
3.      What did your end up telling your advisor?
(I ended (/Id/) up telling how about a good investment to my advisor.)
4.      How did your roommate first treat you?
(My roommate first treated (/t) a good person.)
5.      Who did you visit over the weekend?
(I visited (/Id/) to village my brother and my sister over the weekend.)
6.      How did you mother sound over the phone?
(My mother sound overed (/d) push button switch the phone.)
7.      How many times did your teacher repeat the instructions?
(My teacher repeated (/Id/) the instructions ten minutes.)
8.      Who did the teacher point at?
(The teacher pointed (/Id/) at Mr. Andi)
9.      What did you avoid doing over the weekend?
(I avoided (/Id/) work doing over the weekend)
10.  How long did you attend high school?
(I attended (/Id/) high school three years.)

D.     Linking onto Vowels. Answer the following questions using the past tense of the verb and be sure to link the final /t/ or /d/ to the following word. Remember that /h/ in him and her is silent  when the pronoun is linked to the preceding word.

1.      What did you talk about last night?
(I talked (/t/) about film action last night.)
2.      Who did the class laugh at?
(The class laughed (/t/) at him.)
3.      Who did the teacher stare at angrily?
(The teacher stared (/d/) at angrily her.)
4.      Which room did you walk into by mistake?
(I walked (/t/) into room empty by mistake.)
5.      Why did the teacher turn around?
(The teacher turned (/d/) around by car.)
6.      When did he ask her out?
(He asked (/t/) her out yesterday)
7.      Who did you introduce him to?
(I introduce (/t/) him to Andi.)
8.      What sport did you play in high school?
(I played (/d/) sport football in high school.)
9.      When did you hel your roommate?
(I helped (/t/) my roommate last night.)
10.  When did your father marry your mother?
(My father marryed (/d/) my mother last years.)

F.      Change the  following verb to the past tense. Write /Id/ (extra syllable), /t/, or /d/ to show how to pronounce the past tense <ed> ending. (Optional: put each word in a short sentence).

1.      Opened (/d/)
2.      Refused (/d/)
3.      Attended (/Id/)
4.      Climbed (/d/)
5.      Persuade (/d/)
6.      Preferred (/d/)
7.      Hurried (/d/)
8.      Charge (/d/)
9.      Arrived (/d/)
10.  Lasted (/t/)
11.  Correct (/Id/)
12.  Relaxed (/t/)
13.  Hopped (/t/)
14.  Enjoyed (/Id/)
15.  Related (/d/)
16.  Remembered (/d/)
17.  Controled (/d/)
18.  Ased (/d/)
19.  Pretended (/Id/)
20.  Died (/d/)
21.  Shouted (/t/)
22.  Watched (/t/)
23.  Explained (/d/)
24.  Sewed (/d/)
25.  Sliped (/t/)
26.  Exchanged (/d/)
27.  Reminded (/Id/)
28.  Huged (/d/)

Sumber : - Echols, John M and Shadily, Hassan. Kamus Inggris - Indonesia. Jakarta: 
                       PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama.

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